Friday, November 13, 2009

Movie Review: QUARANTINE

The following is an imaginary re-creation of the meeting in which this movie was dreamed up.

Two young studio execs with bad haircuts and expensive suits sit on opposite sides of a very large conference table. They are tossing a Nerf football back and forth.

"Dude, remember that movie 28 Days Later?"

"Yeah dude, that movie was fucking awesome. Those zombie guys were scary as shit!"

"Hell yeah, they were. What about that one old movie, the one with the shaky camera--The Blair Witch Project?"

"Dude, that movie rocked my fucking balls, man."

"How about 12 Monkeys? Where that crazy asshole was trying to destroy the world with some weirdo virus?"

"Man, I don't watch that fucking art house shit!"

"Fucking A, dude, chill out! Hey, remember at the end of Silence of the Lambs, when that chick Starla was all green and shit cause' it was totally dark?"

"Dude, that scene was fucking CRAZY. I mean, fuck!"

They toss the ball in silence for a moment, then the younger one pauses mid-toss. He stares across the table.

"Dude, what if we took all that awesome shit and put it in ONE MOVIE?! That would be so, so fucking--dude!"

The other thinks about it, then grins.

"You are a genius, dude. High-fucking-five!"

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