Saturday, November 28, 2009

Movie Review: THE IN-LAWS (1979)

I first saw this comedy gem back in the day when I was working at Rain City Video, and it has been a perennial favorite ever since. I won't give away the plot (which is delightfully ludicrous and should be discovered first-hand), but I will say that what brings me back again and again is the joy of watching Peter Falk and Alan Arkin play off each other for 90 minutes. These guys are so sharp, and so funny, you literally can't take your eyes off of them. (Apparently, the primary reason this movie even exists is that one of the producers wanted a project that would bring these two actors together.)
Arkin is all forced politeness and pent-up frustration, while Falk is laid-back and charming even in the most dire circumstances. (I also have to say that Peter Falk is, without question, a comedic genius. While many people may only know him from THE PRINCESS BRIDE and COLUMBO, the man is a legend for reasons apart from those august performances.) These guys are clearly having a ball working together, and we are lucky enough to go along for the ride. Do yourself and favor and check this one out--you won't be sorry.


Ryan said...

Added to my Netflix. I will trust your advice. But, if you ever fail me . . . have you read The Road?

Matt Swanson said...

I wrote a review of THE ROAD on this very blog. You can find it on the blog list below my DVD Additions box.