Friday, October 16, 2009

Movie Review: WALKABOUT

It takes alot for me to give up on a movie--especially a Criterion Collection movie--but I gave up on this one after about an hour and ten minutes. It had a promising start (a dad takes his kids into the outback for a picnic, then sets the car on fire and blows his brains out) but I got so annoyed with the heavy-handed editing and overwrought score that I finally just turned off the tv. I don't know if Nic Roeg took alot of acid or if it was just the influence of the early 70's, but the repetitive cuts and thematic cross-cutting felt oddly psychedelic, and not in a good way. I found myself wishing for long, unbroken shots with no zooming and no music over them, and then I found myself wishing for a different movie altogether.

P.S. Before anyone accuses me of not getting it, let me say that I definitely got it, I just couldn't stand watching it.

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